Wednesday, March 1, 2023
12:35 PM - 5:00 PM
Majestic Ballroom E
Genitopelvic Pain Course - Hands-on Session (Separate Registration Required)
Moderator: Rachel Rubin, MD, IF (USA)
Vulvar and Pelvic Floor Exams
Speakers: Sarah Cigna, MD, MS, IF (USA), Stephanie Prendergast, PT, MPT (USA) & Amy Stein, DPT, BCB-PMD, IF (USA)
Neurogenital Testing
Speakers: Irwin Goldstein, MD, IF (USA) & Alyssa Yee, MD (USA)
Superficial and Deep Injections
Speakers: Susan Kellogg-Spadt, PhD, CRNP, IF (USA) & John Vogel, DO (USA)
Vulvar Surgical Procedures (Vestibulectomy and Lysis of Vulvar Adhesions)
Speakers: Jill Krapf, MD, MEd, FACOG, NCMP (USA) & Rachel Rubin, MD, IF (USA)
Vulvar Biopsy
Speaker: Sameena Rahman, MD, IF (USA)
Thursday, March 2, 2023
7:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Majestic Ballroom E
Annual Pre-Course (Separate Registration Required)
Moderator: Rachel Rubin, MD, IF (USA)
7:00 AM - 7:30 AM
Breakfast - Pre-Course Registrants Only
7:30 AM - 7:40 AM
Welcome and Introduction
Speaker: Rachel Rubin, MD, IF (USA)
7:40 AM - 8:00 AM
The Basics - What We Want Every Provider to Know
Speaker: Michelle (USA)
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
The Basics - POC - Identification of Sexual Health Problems / Epidemiology
Speaker: Juliana Kling, MD, MPH (USA)
8:30 AM - 8:50 AM
The Basics - Sexual Health Interview
Speaker: Sheryl Kingsberg, PhD, IF (USA)
8:50 AM - 9:10 AM
The Basics - Physical Exam
Speaker: Rachel Rubin, MD, IF (USA)
9:10 AM - 9:30 AM
9:30 AM - 9:45 AM
Coffee Break
9:45 AM - 10:05 AM
HSDD - ISSWSH Processes of Care and Mental Health Treatments
Speaker: Sheryl Kingsberg, PhD, IF (USA)
10:05 AM - 10:25 AM
HSDD - Non-Hormonal Pharmacological Treatments
Speaker: Brooke Faught, DNP, WHNP-BC, NCMP, FAANP, IF (USA)
10:25 AM - 10:45 AM
HSDD - Hormonal Treatment: Androgens
Speaker: Linda Vignozzi, MD, PhD (Italy)
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM
11:00 AM - 11:20 AM
Sexual Pain - Painful Intercourse: Causes, Evaluation and Treatment
Speaker: Susan Kellogg-Spadt, PhD, CRNP, IF (USA)
11:20 AM - 11:35 AM
Sexual Pain - GSM
Speaker: Rachel Rubin, MD, IF (USA)
11:35 AM - 11:50 AM
Sexual Pain - Physical Therapy
Speaker: Jandra Mueller, DPT,MS (USA)
11:50 AM - 12:00 PM
12:00 PM - 12:15 PM
Lunch - Pre-Course Registrants Only
12:15 PM - 12:30 PM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
Opening Ceremony
Speakers: Sue Goldstein, BA, CCRC, AASECT-CSE, IF (USA) & Tami Rowen, MD, MS, FACOG, IF (USA)
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
Sandra Leiblum Presidential Lecture - Jack of All Trades—Master of Most aka Learn As You Go
Moderators: Tierney Lorenz, PhD (USA) & Tami Rowen, MD, MS, FACOG, IF (USA)
Speaker: Sue Goldstein, BA, CCRC, AASECT-CSE, IF (USA)
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
State of the Art 1: Contemporary Mental Health Treatment for Sexual Dysfunction
Moderator: Tierney Lorenz, PhD (USA)
Speaker: Linda Weiner, MSW (USA)
2:20 PM - 2:30 PM
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Majestic Ballroom Foyer
Break - Visit Exhibitors
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Majestic Ballroom Foyer
First Time Attendee/New Member Meet-Up
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
Symposium 1: Cancer and Sexual Function
Moderators: Shari Goldfarb, MD (USA) & Jennifer Reese, PhD (USA)
3:00 PM - 3:25 PM
Physical and Emotional Sexual Rehabilitation
Speaker: Jeanne Carter, PhD (USA)
3:25 PM - 3:50 PM
Pelvic Radiation’s Impact on Sexual Function and Management of Radiation Complications
Speaker: Shari Damast, MD (USA)
3:50 PM - 4:15 PM
Overview and Discussion of Sexual Consequences and Interventions for Ovarian Cancer
Speaker: Sharon Bober, PhD (USA)
4:15 PM - 4:30 PM
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Majestic Ballroom E
Instructional Course 1: Difficult Cases in Menopause (Separate Registration Required)
Moderator: Heather Quaile, DNP, WHNP-BC, IF (USA)
Speakers: Heather Hirsch MD, MS, NCMP (USA) & James Simon, MD, CCD, NCMP, IF, FACOG (USA)
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
Research Podium Session 1 - Psychological, Social, and Cultural Factors
Moderators: Aimee Cloutier (USA) & Heather Howard, PhD, MPH, CSC, CSE, IF (USA)
4:30 PM - 4:40 PM
Black Women's Experiences of Sexual Anxiety (#001)
Speaker: Shemeka Thorpe (USA)
4:40 PM - 4:50 PM
Transfeminine Genital Reconstructive Surgery Complications Based on Insurance Claims Data (#002)
Speaker: Jessica Schardein (USA)
4:50 PM - 5:00 PM
The Impact of Gender Affirming Mastectomy on the Sexual Health and Satisfaction of Trans Patients (#003)
Speaker: Tami Rowen, MD, MS, FACOG, IF (USA)
5:00 PM - 5:10 PM
Examining the Experience of Sexual Dysfunction and Spiritual Abuse among cis-Gender Muslim Women In North America (#004)
Speaker: Arleen Lamba (USA)
5:10 PM - 5:20 PM
When Paying Attention is Inconvenient: The Effect of Negative Thoughts During Sex on Female Sexual Response. (#005)
Speaker: Celeste Bittoni (Italy)
5:20 PM - 5:30 PM
Do Individual-Level or Relationship-Level Coping Constructs Moderate the Effects of Sexual Function on Sexual Satisfaction and Distress for Breast Cancer Survivors? (#006)
Speaker: Jennifer B. Reese (USA)
5:30 PM - 5:40 PM
Gendered Differences in Sexual Expectation: The Implications of Power Differentials on Condom Usage in Heterosexual Relationships (#007)
Speaker: Gabriella Snow (USA)
5:40 PM - 5:50 PM
Psychosexual, Relational and Clinical Correlates of Orgasmic Function and Female Orgasm Disorder in Women Consulting for Sexual Symptoms (#008)
Speaker: Elisa Maseroli (Italy)
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Majestic Ballroom Foyer
Welcome Reception
Friday, March 3, 2023
6:30 AM - 7:20 AM
Majestic Ballroom Foyer
Regional Networking Event
7:30 AM - 7:50 AM
Majestic Ballroom E
Industry Sponsored Breakfast Innovation Showcase
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
State of the Art 2: Clitoris Update
Moderator: Irwin Goldstein, MD, IF (USA)
8:00 AM - 8:25 AM
2022 the Clitoris Heard Round the World
Speaker: Rachel Rubin, MD, IF (USA)
8:25 AM - 8:50 AM
Clitoris Innovations Beyond Urology
Speaker: Deborah Marshall, MD, MAS (USA)
8:50 AM - 9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
Research Podium Session 2 - Treating Patients with Chronic Illness & Symptoms of Menopause
Moderators: Corey Babb, DO IF (USA) & Sally MacPhedran MD, MS, IF, NMCP, FACOG (USA)
9:00 AM - 9:10 AM
Comparing the Sexual Lives of Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) With and Without a History of Cancer (#009)
Speaker: Kristen Carpenter (USA)
9:10 AM - 9:20 AM
Correlates of Sexual Dysfunction in Young Adult Cancer Survivors: A Project REACH Study (#010)
Speaker: Lydia Chevalier (USA)
9:20 AM - 9:30 AM
Real-World Use of Bremelanotide in One Sexual Medicine Clinic Treating Women with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (#020)
Speaker: Sue W Goldstein (USA)
9:30 AM - 9:40 AM
Gynecologic Oncology Survivorship: Seeking Help for Sexual Distress (#012)
Speaker: Allyson Jang (USA)
9:40 AM - 9:50 AM
Development of a Core Outcome Set for Provoked Vestibulodynia (#032)
Speaker: Caroline Pukall (Canada)
9:50 AM - 10:00 AM
Update from the Female Genitopelvic Pain Subcommittee of the International Consultation of Sexual Medicine on a systematic review of the efficacy and safety of treatments for vulvodynia (#031)
Speaker: Caroline Pukall (Canada)
10:00 AM - 10:10 AM
Sexual Health and Relationship Enhancement (SHARE) for Women with Breast Cancer: Results from a Clinical Trial (#015)
Speaker: Kristen Carpenter (USA)
10:10 AM - 10:20 AM
Outpatient, Multimodal Neuromuscular Treatment Reduces Pain and Improves Functionality for Patients with Chronic Pelvic Pain and Vulvodynia (#016)
Speaker: Marjorie Mamsaang (USA)
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Majestic Ballroom E
Instructional Course 2: Spine and Hips for Pelvic Specialist (Separate Registration Required)
Moderator: Sameena Rahman, MD, IF (USA)
Speakers: Choll Kim, MD PhD (USA), Stephanie Prendergast, PT, MPT (USA) & John Vogel, DO (USA)
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Majestic Ballroom Foyer
Break - Visit Exhibitors
10:35 AM - 11:05 AM
Majestic Ballroom F-G - E-poster Station 1
E-poster Session 1 - Desire, Arousal and Orgasm
Moderator: Juliana Kling, MD, MPH (USA)
Examining the Neuroanatomical Basis of Bremelanotide, a Drug for Low Sexual Desire in Women (#033)
Speaker: Abby Kohut-Jackson (USA)
Are All Orgasms Created Equally Regardless of Age? (#034)
Speaker: Dee Hartmann (USA)
Feasibility and Acceptability of a Virtual Group Mindfulness-based Therapy for Women with Lifelong Anorgasmia: A Pilot Study (#035)
Speaker: Jean Marino (USA)
Characterizing flibanserin’s safety profile among postmenopausal women with HSDD: An Exploratory Analysis (#036)
Speaker: Sheryl Kingsberg, PhD, IF (USA)
Hypersexuality with the Use of Selective Serotonin Receptor Inhibitors (#037)
Speaker: Alaa Baqer (USA)
Adherence Patterns And Costs For Flibanserin: A Single Practice Experience (#038)
Speaker: Monica C Myers (USA)
Vaginal Orgasms: Really exists? (#039)
Speaker: Alberto Dominguez-Bali (USA)
A Case Report of Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder/Genito-Pelvic Dysesthesia Secondary to Lumbar Facet Cyst-Induced Sacral Radiculopathy Treated by Lumbar Endoscopic Spine Surgery (#040)
Speaker: Choll Kim, MD PhD (USA)
10:35 AM - 11:05 AM
Majestic Ballroom F-G - E-poster Station 2
E-poster Session 2 - Cultural and Social Issues
Moderator: Anneliis Sartin-Tarm (USA)
Disparities in Cuban-American Participation Rates in a Sexual Medicine Research Project (#041)
Speaker: Mariana Duenas Lopez (USA)
Perceptions, Attitudes, and Lived Experiences of Syrian Women Refugees Regarding Sexual and Reproductive Rights (#042)
Speaker: Faysal El Kak (Lebanon)
Baseline Characteristics of Participants in a Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial of Vestibulodynia: Understanding Pathophysiology and Determining Appropriate Treatments (Vestibulodynia: UPDATe) (#083)
Speaker: Haley Cutting (USA)
Standard of Care and Patient Perspectives Regarding Early Genital Surgery for Infants with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (#045)
Speaker: Courtney Stewart (USA)
Postpartum Sexuality: Gender Inequality in Scientific Research (#046)
Speaker: Danielle Choucroun (Luxembourg)
A Thematic Analysis of Sexual Health Disparities Among Native Adolescents (#047)
Speaker: Gabrielle Evans (USA)
Female Masturbation Practices Among Different Populations and Age Groups (#048)
Speaker: Markus van Niekerk (Latvia)
Blue Balls: Fact or Fiction? Experiences of Genitopelvic Pain and Sexual Coercion Among People with Penises and Vulvas (#049)
Speaker: Megan Henkelman (Canada)
A Qualitative Thematic Analysis of a Public Online Anonymous Vaginismus Forum (#050)
Speaker: Swathi Mettela (USA)
10:35 AM - 11:05 AM
Majestic Ballroom F-G - E-poster Station 3
E-poster Session 3 - Non-drug Treatments & Medical Devices
Moderator: Stephanie Prendergast, PT, MPT (USA)
Can Vibrator use Improve Well-being? (#051)
Speaker: Alexandra Dubinskaya (USA)
Are Vibrators Equally Effective Among Women Engaged in Partnered Versus Solo Sexual Activity? (#052)
Speaker: Alexandra Dubinskaya (USA)
Low Intensity Shockwave Therapy in Patients with Vulvas with Sexual Dysfunction (#053)
Speaker: Irwin Goldstein, MD, IF (USA)
Improvement of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms by Treating Pelvic Floor Muscle Increased Tone (#054)
Speaker: Marcela Bardin (Brazil)
Application of a Very Low Calorie Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD) Protocol in Women's Endocrinology: Psychosexual Correlates of Weight Loss (#055)
Speaker: Elisa Maseroli (Italy)
Theo Mei Technique (TMT) – A Specific Method Eliminating or Reducing Menstrual Ppain (#056)
Speaker: Richard Salceies (USA)
Effectiveness of a Suggested Protocol to Treat Increased Pelvic Floor Muscle Tone in Women with Dyspareunia: A Retrospective Cohort Study (#057)
Speaker: Marcela Bardin (Brazil)
Acute Dorsal Genital Neuromodulation can Improve Subjective Arousal: A Pilot Study in Women With and Without Spinal Cord Injury (#058)
Speaker: Elizabeth Bottorff (USA)
11:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
ESSM Lecture - Is Sexual Arousal Synchrony Clinically Relevant?
Moderator: Cindy Meston, PhD, IF (USA)
Speaker: Marieke Dewitte, PhD (The Netherlands)
11:35 AM - 11:45 AM
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
ISSM Lecture - The Impact of Male Penile Deformity and Treatment on the Female Partner
Moderator: Cindy Meston, PhD, IF (USA)
Speakers: Gerald Brock, MD, FRCSC (Canada) & Annamaria Giraldi, MD, PhD, IF (Denmark)
12:05 PM - 12:15 PM
12:15 PM - 1:45 PM
Majestic Ballroom Foyer
Lunch Break - Visit Exhibits
12:35 PM - 12:55 PM
Majestic Ballroom E
Industry Sponsored Lunch Innovation Showcase
1:00 PM - 1:20 PM
Majestic Ballroom E
Industry Sponsored Lunch Innovation Showcase
1:45 PM - 2:45 PM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
State of the Art 3: ISSWSH in a World Where "Women" Is Not All Inclusive
Moderators: Tami Rowen, MD, MS, FACOG, IF (USA) & Paul Yong, MD, PhD, FRCSC (Canada)
Speakers: Luca Borah (USA) & Barbara Chubak, MD (USA)
2:35 PM - 2:45 PM
2:45 PM - 3:15 PM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
Fernand Labrie Award Lecture
Moderator: Paul Yong, MD, PhD, FRCSC (Canada)
Speaker: Linda Vignozzi, MD, PhD (Italy)
3:05 PM - 3:15 PM
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM
Majestic Ballroom Foyer
Break - Visit Exhibitors
3:20 PM - 3:50 PM
Majestic Ballroom F-G - E-poster Station 1
E-poster Session 4 - Education
Moderator: Heather Howard, PhD, MPH, CSC, CSE, IF (USA)
Comfort With Sexual Health Literacy Assessed in Urology Resident Physicians (#059)
Speaker: Rainey Horwitz (USA)
Pilot Student-Led Gender Affirming Care Elective for First- and Second-Year Medical Students (#060)
Speaker: Keerat Bains (USA)
The State of Female Sexual Medicine in a Major US City: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Mmedical Education in Chicagoland (#061)
Speaker: Olivia Negris (USA)
Identifying the Comfort Level and Understanding of Female Anorgasmia in Medical Students Following an Interactive Online Medical Educational Module in Female Anorgasmia (#062)
Speaker: Amberly Mendes (USA)
Assessing the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Graduating Medical Students Towards Sexual Health in Lebanon (#063)
Speaker: Faysal El Kak (Lebanon)
“Condoms and Sexual Health Practices, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Students” (#064)
Speaker: Kate Higashi (USA)
Let’s Talk about Sex: Resident Run Didactic Curriculum (#065)
Speaker: Marie Sullivan (USA)
Development of Sex Education and Violence Prevention Curriculum for Adolescents (#066)
Speaker: Allison De Moya (USA)
3:20 PM - 3:50 PM
Majestic Ballroom F-G - E-poster Station 2
E-poster Session 5 - Menopause and GSM
Moderator: Lauren Streicher, MD (USA)
False Positive Pap Smear as The First Sign of Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (#067)
Speaker: Alaa Baqer (USA)
Low Drug-Drug interaction risk of Estetrol (E4), a Promising New Estrogen for the Treatment of Menopausal Symptoms (#068)
Speaker: Michele Stegmaier
Vaginal Lubrication: Equally Important for Orgasm in Premenopausal and Postmenopausal Women? (#069)
Speaker: Alexandra Dubinskaya (USA)
Treatment of Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause is Beneficial for Lichen Sclerosus Patients (#070)
Speaker: Anna Myers (USA)
Vulvo-vaginal Obliteration: Presentation of 6 Cases (#071)
Speaker: Alberto Dominguez-Bali (USA)
Vaginal Lubrication Improves Sexual Desire Among Menopausal Women (#072)
Speaker: Alexandra Dubinskaya (USA)
The New, Undescribed, and Lethal Components of The Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (#073)
Speaker: Alberto Dominguez-Bali (USA)
3:20 PM - 3:50 PM
Majestic Ballroom F-G - E-poster Station 3
E-poster Session 6 - Psychological and Couples Factors
Moderator: Jeff Kiesner, PhD (Italy)
Not just a matter of labels: The Importance of Distinguishing Between Sexual Desire, and Mental and Genital Sexual Arousal (#074)
Speaker: Celeste Bittoni (Italy)
Partnered Sexual Desire Influences Sex-related Alcohol and Drug Expectancies and Subsequent Sex-linked Substance Use (#075)
Speaker: Harper Jones (USA)
History of Sexual Coercion, PGAD Symptoms, and Sexual Function: Evidence for a Mediational Model (#076)
Speaker: Jeff Kiesner, PhD (Italy)
Physiological Synchrony and Sexual Satisfaction: A Replication and Extension (#077)
Speaker: Bridget Freihart (USA)
Assessing Women's Sexual Well-being in the Context of Relationship Status and Nonconsensual Sexual Experience History (#078)
Speaker: Mackenzie Sears-Greer (USA)
Evaluating Sexual Self-schema Scales for Use Among Women Who Experienced Sexual Trauma: A Systematic Review of Measurement Properties and Practice Implications (#079)
Speaker: Anneliis Sartin-Tarm (USA)
The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Experience of Endometriosis (#080)
Speaker: Shea O'donnell (USA)
The Psychosocial Barriers Associated with Vulvodynia and Vestibulodynia (#081)
Speaker: Jenny Niedenfuehr (USA)
More than 75% of Female Sexual Dysfunction can be Presented if The Partner is Treated, but That's The Main Problem (#082)
Speaker: Alberto Dominguez-Bali (USA)
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
Symposium 2: Sex, Drugs and...
Moderators: Barry Komisaruk, PhD (USA) & Tierney Lorenz, PhD (USA)
4:00 PM - 4:25 PM
THC Use and Effects on Sexual Pleasure and Desire
Speaker: Becky Lynn, MD, IF (USA)
4:25 PM - 4:50 PM
Speaker: Maggie Mott (USA)
4:50 PM - 5:15 PM
Opiates and Psychedelics
Speaker: James Pfaus, PhD, IF (Czech Republic)
5:15 PM - 5:30 PM
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Majestic Ballroom E
ISSWSH Business Meeting (members only)
Saturday, March 4, 2023
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
Special Interest Group Breakfast Session - Orgasm (non-CME)
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Majestic Ballroom E
Special Interest Group Breakfast Session - Management of Sexual Pain / Dyspareunia (non-CME)
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Majestic H
Special Interest Group Breakfast Session - Scientific Network on Female Sexual Health and Cancer (non-CME)
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
Journals Sessions
Moderators: Sue Goldstein, BA, CCRC, AASECT-CSE, IF (USA) & Linda Vignozzi, MD, PhD (Italy)
Journal of Sexual Medicine
Speaker: Tami Rowen, MD, MS, FACOG, IF (USA)
Sexual Medicine Reviews
Speaker: Irwin Goldstein, MD, IF (USA)
Sexual Medcine Open Access
Speaker: Jill Krapf, MD, MEd, FACOG, NCMP (USA)
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
Symposium 3: Inflammation and Sexual Health
Moderators: Jeff Kiesner, PhD (Italy), Tierney Lorenz, PhD (USA) & Jandra Mueller, DPT,MS (USA)
8:30 AM - 8:35 AM
Speaker: Tierney Lorenz, PhD (USA)
8:35 AM - 9:00 AM
Mast Cell Activation and Reproductive Health
Speaker: Tania Dempsey, MD (USA)
9:00 AM - 9:25 AM
When the First Domino Falls: Inflammation and Pain in the Vulva
Speaker: Megan Falsetta, PhD (USA)
9:25 AM - 9:50 AM
What Sexual Health Specialists Can Learn From the Study of Sickness Behaviors
Speaker: Robert Dantzer, DVM, PhD (USA)
9:50 AM - 10:00 AM
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Majestic Ballroom Foyer
Break - Visit Exhibitors
10:05 AM - 10:35 AM
Majestic Ballroom F-G - E-poster Station 1
E-poster Session 7 - Vestibulodynia & Vulvodynia
Moderator: Jill Krapf, MD, MEd, FACOG, NCMP (USA)
“I’m Coming!” (No, She’s Not): Inequitable Pleasure (#043)
Speaker: Katarina Watson (USA)
A Case Report of Alcohol-Induced Vestibule Pain, Resolved in the Setting of Vestibular Anesthesia Test (#084)
Speaker: Rachel Rubin, MD, IF (USA)
Topical Capsaicin for Provoked Vestibulodynia (#085)
Speaker: Isabella Kopits (USA)
Phase II Study of AbobotulinumtoxinA in Patients with Provoked Vestibulodynia: Outcomes From Dose-finding Stage (#086)
Speaker: Andrew Goldstein (USA)
Why Should Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy be Included in Treatment of Vestibulodynia? (#087)
Speaker: Elizabeth Stanley (USA)
Fractional Area of Positive CD117 and PGP9.5 Immunostaining of Vestibular Tissue in Patients with Congenital and Acquired Neuroproliferative Vestibulodynia (#088)
Speaker: Alexandra N Drian (USA)
Regional Vestibulectomy and Buccal Mucosal Graft Reconstruction for Refractory Neuroproliferative Vestibulodynia (#089)
Speaker: Alyssa Yee, MD (USA)
Immunohistochemical Staining of Elastin in the Vestibule (#090)
Speaker: Irwin Goldstein, MD, IF (USA)
Preferred Physical Characteristics of Lidocaine Film for Women with Vestibulodynia (#091)
Speaker: Joseph Ogbansiegbe (USA)
10:05 AM - 10:35 AM
Majestic Ballroom F-G - E-poster Station 2
E-poster Session 8 - Assessing and Diagnosing Sexual Dysfunction
Moderator: Sheryl Kingsberg, PhD, IF (USA)
What is Sexuality?: Moving Toward Inclusive and Comprehensive Measurement (#092)
Speaker: Megan Henkelman (Canada)
"Vagina" is Not a Bad Word: Historical and Contemporary Censorship of the Word "Vagina" (#093)
Speaker: Rainey Horwitz (USA)
Sexual Emergencies in Women (#094)
Speaker: Alberto Dominguez-Bali (USA)
The Elicitors of Intimacy: A Behavioral Checklist (#095)
Speaker: Mackenzie Sears-Greer (USA)
#SexMed: The Sexual Medicine Tag Ontology Project (#096)
Speaker: Nishita Patel (USA)
SSRI-Associated Sexual Side Effects: How Are Women Impacted? (#097)
Speaker: Malia Piazza (USA)
The Value to Patients of Immunohistochemical Staining of the Vestibule with CD117 and PGP9.5 (#098)
Speaker: Sue Goldstein, BA, CCRC, AASECT-CSE, IF (USA)
A Systematic Review Investigating the Involvement of the Pelvic Floor Muscles in Sexual Function and Sexual Response (#099)
Speaker: Stephanie Faucher (Canada)
10:05 AM - 10:35 AM
Majestic Ballroom F-G - E-poster Station 3
E-poster Session 9 - Hormones & Immune Factors
Moderator: James Simon, MD, CCD, NCMP, IF, FACOG (USA)
The Effect of Oral Contraceptive Pill Type on Vulvovaginal Atrophy (#100)
Speaker: Leah Mcmahon (USA)
Ovarian Hyperthecosis as a Cause of Hypersexualization in a Post-menopausal Female (#101)
Speaker: Meredith C Wasserman (USA)
Basic Research for Determination of Normal Levels of Sex Hormones (Testosterone, Free Testosterone, DHEA-S, Estradiol, IGF-1) in Middle-aged and Elderly Japanese Women (#102)
Speaker: Yuki Sekiguchi (Japan)
Olfactory Investigation of the Male is Stimulated by Administration of Dihydrotestosterone and Blunted by Co-administration of Flutamide in Ovariectomized Rats Primed with Estradiol (#103)
Speaker: Elisa Maseroli (Italy)
Immunohistochemical Staining Reveals Estrogen, Androgen and Progesterone Receptors in the Vestibule (#104)
Speaker: Irwin Goldstein, MD, IF (USA)
The Discovery of New Incredible Positive Actions of Hormone Replacement Therapy and Sex in Menopause (#105)
Speaker: Alberto Dominguez-Bali (USA)
Hormonally-Mediated Vestibulodynia: A Chart Review (#106)
Speaker: Marcela Trocha (Poland)
Uncovering the Role of Mast Cell Dysfunction in the Pathophysiology of Vulvodynia, Post-orgasmic Illness Syndrome, and Interstitial Cystitis (#107)
Speaker: Olivia Paulsen (USA)
The Vaginal and Vulvar Microbiomes of Post-menopausal Women with Lichen Sclerosus (#108)
Speaker: Oluwatobiloba Taylor (USA)
Analysis of Patient-Specific Microbiome Profiles and Possible Association with Sexual Dysfunction After Cervical Dysplasia Treatment (#109)
Speaker: Olivia Giovannetti (Canada)
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
State of the Art 4: Limitations of Sexual Research in Diverse Populations
Moderators: Karen Brandon, DSc, PT (USA) & Jeff Kiesner, PhD (Italy)
10:45 AM - 11:10 AM
Underrepresentation of Ethnic Minority Women in Validation of Female Sexual Dysfunction Questionnaires
Speaker: Carissa Battle, MD (USA)
11:10 AM - 11:35 AM
Using Qualitative and Community-based Methodologies to Inform Inclusive Sexual Medicine Research
Speaker: Janeane Anderson, PhD, MPH (USA)
11:35 AM - 11:45 AM
11:45 AM - 1:15 PM
Majestic Ballroom Foyer
Lunch Break - Visit Exhibits
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
Lunch and Learn 1: Slut Shaming and the Trusted Healthcare Provider: A Mini-SAR Experience Addressing Barriers to Inclusive and Sex-positive Care
Speakers: Aleece Fosnight, MSPAS, PA-C, CSC, CSE, IF (USA), Heather Howard, PhD, MPH, CSC, CSE, IF (USA) & Anna Randall (USA)
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Majestic Ballroom E
Lunch and Learn 2: The Business of Sexual Medicine
Speakers: Sarah Cigna, MD, MS, IF (USA), Heather Quaile, DNP, WHNP-BC, IF (USA), Sameena Rahman, MD, IF (USA) & Rachel Rubin, MD, IF (USA)
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
Research Podium Session 3 - New & Improved Treatments for Sexual Dysfunction
Moderators: Noel Kim, PhD, IF (USA) & Maggie Mott (USA)
1:15 PM - 1:25 PM
At-Home Therapeutic Ultrasound Treatment for Vulvovaginal Atrophy (VVA): A Pilot Study (#017)
Speaker: Mindy Goldman (USA)
1:25 PM - 1:35 PM
The Effect of Nipple Neuropathy on Women’s Sexual Health (#029)
Speaker: Michael Krychman (USA)
1:35 PM - 1:45 PM
Complete Sub-Epithelial Vestibulectomy: Refinement of Surgery for Neuroproliferative Vestibulodynia (#019)
Speaker: Alyssa Yee, MD (USA)
1:45 PM - 1:55 PM
Beneficial Effects of Vaginal Prasterone (DHEA) on the Vaginal Histology of Women with GSM Beyond the Epithelium (#011)
Speaker: Alyssa Yee, MD (USA)
1:55 PM - 2:05 PM
A Novel Model to Study Fibrosis and Scarring in Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus (#021)
Speaker: Sarah Fischer (USA)
2:05 PM - 2:15 PM
Durability of Vestibulectomy Surgery for Neuroproliferative Vestibulodynia (#022)
Speaker: Alyssa Yee, MD (USA)
2:15 PM - 2:25 PM
The Acute Effect of Caffeine on Genital Arousal in Women: A Pilot Study (#023)
Speaker: Leah Mcmahon (USA)
2:25 PM - 2:35 PM
A Randomized Trial on the Sexual Effectiveness and Impact on the Vaginal Microbiome of Reformulated Personal Water Lubricants with Lowered Osmolality and pH in Premenopausal and Postmenopausal Women (#024)
Speaker: Michael Krychman (USA)
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Majestic Ballroom E
Instructional Course 3: Mindfulness-Based Therapy for Sexual Desire and Arousal Difficulties (Separate Registration Required)
Moderator: Heather Quaile, DNP, WHNP-BC, IF (USA)
Speaker: Kyle Stephenson, PhD (USA)
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM
Majestic Ballroom Foyer
Break - Visit Exhibitors
2:50 PM - 3:20 PM
Majestic Ballroom F-G - E-poster Station 1
E-poster Session 10 - Cancer & Chronic Medical Illness
Moderator: Shari Goldfarb, MD (USA)
Characterizing Sexuality and Assessing Predictors of Sexual Satisfaction in Patients with Multiple Myeloma (#110)
Speaker: Megan Henkelman (Canada)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness-Based Interventions to Address Sexual Functioning in Women with Cancer: A Systematic Review (#111)
Speaker: Lauren Carney (USA)
Treatment Options for Female Sexual Dysfunction in Patients with Epilepsy: A Systematic Review (#112)
Speaker: Haley Primuth (USA)
The Application of the Stable-Modifiable Model of Vulnerability and Resilience Processes in the Ovarian Endometriosis Population (#113)
Speaker: Samantha Levang (Canada)
Vaginal/Vulvar Symptoms with Lasofoxifene versus Fulvestrant in ESR1-mutated, ER+/HER2- Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients (#114)
Speaker: Shari B Goldfarb (USA)
Prevalence of Clitoral Adhesions in Patients who have Undergone Breast Cancer Care (#115)
Speaker: Bria Burris (USA)
A Pilot Randomized Trial of a Telehealth Pelvic Yoga Program for Women with Chronic Pelvic Pain (#116)
Speaker: Tami Rowen, MD, MS, FACOG, IF (USA)
2:50 PM - 3:20 PM
Majestic Ballroom F-G - E-poster Station 2
E-poster Session 11 - Pregnancy and Infertility
Moderator: Karen Brandon, DSc, PT (USA)
Postpartum Vulvovaginal Dryness: Disparities in Adequate Treatment for Postpartum Patients’ Sexual Health (#117)
Speaker: Angela Rutkowski (USA)
Pilot Survey Study Evaluating Sexual Healthcare Delivery and Provider Habits for Pregnant Patients (#118)
Speaker: Kristen Walker (USA)
Provider Habits Regarding Screening for Sexual Dysfunction in Pregnancy at a Tertiary Medical Center in Chicago, IL (#119)
Speaker: Eric Casinelli (USA)
Female Sexual Dysfunction: Can it be Addressed During Infertility Treatment? (#121)
Speaker: Amelia Schaub (USA)
Provider Attitude towards Postpartum Sexual Health (#122)
Speaker: Katie Shearer (USA)
2:50 PM - 3:20 PM
Majestic Ballroom F-G - E-poster Station 3
E-poster Session 12 - Sexual Pain
Moderator: Sarah Cigna, MD, MS, IF (USA)
Evaluation of a Vaginal Insert for Self-assessment of Endometriosis-associated Deep Dyspareunia (#123)
Speaker: Rebecca Macleod (Canada)
Acceptability of Using a Silicone Bbuffer for Management of Endometriosis-associated Deep Dyspareunia: A Pilot Randomized Control Trial (#124)
Speaker: Rebecca Macleod (Canada)
Sexual Pain Symptoms in 910 Premenopausal Women with Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus (#125)
Speaker: Jill Krapf, MD, MEd, FACOG, NCMP (USA)
Development of a Patient Reported Outcome Measure for Lichen Sclerosus (#126)
Speaker: Rachel Pope (USA)
Dyspareunia as a Symptom of Urinary Tract Infection (#127)
Speaker: Alberto Dominguez-Bali (USA)
Pelvic Pain in Tarlov Cyst: Pathognomony in Gender Inequality (#128)
Speaker: Danielle Choucroun (Luxembourg)
A Neurological Excitation/Inhibition "Faucet Model" for Orgasm and Pain (#129)
Speaker: R Komisaruk (USA)
Marsupialization of the Bartholin Duct Cyst and Recanalization for Symptomatic Recurrent Bartholin Cysts (#130)
Speaker: Alyssa Yee, MD (USA)
Sexual Activity After Pelvic Surgery (#131)
Speaker: Alberto Dominguez-Bali (USA)
Immunohistochemical Characterization of the Innervation of the Vulvar Vestibule in Patients with Suspected Neuroproliferative Vestibulodynia (#018)
Speaker: Diane Tomalty (Canada)
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
NAMS Lecture - Menopausal Hormone Therapy: Addressing Concerns about Breast Cancer Risk to Close Treatment Gaps
Moderator: James Simon, MD, CCD, NCMP, IF, FACOG (USA)
Speaker: Juliana Kling, MD, MPH (USA)
3:50 PM - 4:00 PM
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
Symposium 4: Contraception, Abortion and Sexual Health
Moderators: Janeane Anderson, PhD, MPH (USA) & Tami Rowen, MD, MS, FACOG, IF (USA)
4:00 PM - 4:25 PM
Contraception and Sexual Wellbeing
Speaker: Jenny Higgins, PhD, MPH (USA)
4:25 PM - 4:50 PM
Contraception and Abortion in Minority Communities
Speaker: Andrea Jackson, MD, MAS (USA)
4:50 PM - 5:15 PM
Abortion Restriction and Sexual Oppression
Speaker: Adrienne Davis (USA)
5:15 PM - 5:30 PM
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Majestic Ballroom F-G
Mentoring Mixer
Sunday, March 5, 2023
7:30 AM - 8:00 AM
Majestic Ballroom Foyer
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Majestic Ballroom A-D
Research Podium Session 4 - Assessment of Sexual Dysfunction and Outcomes of Treatment: Patient and Provider Perspectives
Moderators: Brooke Faught, DNP, WHNP-BC, NCMP, FAANP, IF (USA) & Irwin Goldstein, MD, IF (USA)
8:00 AM - 8:10 AM
Disclosure of Mid-Urethral Sling and Radical Prostatectomy Risks: A Comparative Analysis of Hospital-Affiliated Online Resources (#025)
Speaker: Brooke DeCarlo (Canada)
8:10 AM - 8:20 AM
“Hoping it Will be Better Next Time:” A Qualitative Analysis of Treatment Decision-making with Vulvodynia (#026)
Speaker: Martha Grace Cromeens (USA)
8:20 AM - 8:30 AM
Considerations of Mid-Urethral Sling Procedures: Patient and Provider Perspectives on Outcomes and Experiences (#027)
Speaker: Sabrina Greco (Canada)
8:30 AM - 8:40 AM
Patient and Provider Perspectives on LEEP/LLETZ Treatment (#028)
Speaker: Sabrina Greco (Canada)
8:40 AM - 8:50 AM
Reliability of Shear Wave Elastography for the Assessment of Pelvic Floor Muscle Stiffness (#030)
Speaker: Małgorzata Starzec-Proserpio (Poland)
8:50 AM - 9:00 AM
More Than Just "Vaginal Dryness": Addressing an Unmet Need for Sexual Health Intervention in Female Cancer Survivors (#013)
Speaker: Erin Kobiella (USA)
9:00 AM - 9:10 AM
Impact of Vaginal Prasterone on the Rate of Urinary Tract Infections in GSM Patients and those on Aromatase Inhibitors: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis. (#014)
Speaker: Rachel S. Rubin (USA)
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Majestic Ballroom E
Instructional Course 4: Sexual Medicine Care for the Transgender Patient (Separate Registration Required)
Speakers: Blair Peters, MD (USA) & Tami Rowen, MD, MS, FACOG, IF (USA)

ISSWSH/ISSM Joint Meeting 2025
February 27 - March 2, 2025
13 days left
Grand Hyatt Atlanta - Atlanta, GA
Visit the Meeting Website

ISSWSH Fall Course 2025   
November 13-16, 2025
274 days left  
 We-Ko-Pa Casino Resort  - Fort McDowell, AZ
Visit the Course Website

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